Evaluate: ChatGPT’s Predictions and Extrapolations

Students generate predictions using ChatGPT and critically assess the output. The assignment emphasizes an analytical approach to evaluating hypothetical scenarios generated by ChatGPT. Students must go beyond simple fact-checking and use reasoned analysis to diagnose the plausibility of the predictions.

Evaluate: Soundness of the Argument

Students analyze how facts are assembled into an argument, focusing on the validity of the connective logic. They are encouraged to look beyond the individual facts and assess whether the conclusions drawn are logically supported by the premises.

Genre Generators

Students begin by collaboratively analyzing implementations of text generators, such as Christopher Strachey’s Love Letter Generator. Next, students work in groups to create non-executable conceptual programs designed to produce new instances of chosen genres.


This assignment serves as a beginner-level programming exercise that introduces students to the concept of iteration using for loops. By writing code that repeats a word or phrase 50,000 times, students gain a fundamental understanding of how loops work in programming.

AI in First Year Writing Courses

The assignment introduces an “AI Standards of Conduct” framework that differentiates between AI-assisted and AI-generated writing. The assignment encourages students to reflect on the ethical implications of using AI in writing.

The Term Paper Turing Test

Students use accessible language models to generate parts of their term papers. This hands-on experiment helps students explore the capabilities and limitations of AI in writing, as well as the ethical dimensions of using such tools.

Promoting Ethical Artificial Intelligence Literacy

By comparing AI-generated outputs with their own work and reflecting on these comparisons, students develop enhanced metacognitive skills, which are crucial for their personal and professional growth.

Deconstructing and Reconstructing Genre and Form with Tracery

Students use the JavaScript library Tracery to create procedural texts that generate new content based on predefined rules and word banks. This approach explores the power of randomness and variability in text generation, akin to advanced Mad Libs.

Different Ways of Narrating with Curveship-js

This assignment helps students grasp core aspects of narrative theory by requiring them to generate multiple variations of an underlying story. Students use Curveship-js, a JavaScript framework, to implement their narrative variations.

Neuroqueering AI: The Text Generator as Emergent Collaborator

Students choose a dataset to train their language model and analyze the generated output to identify patterns and new meanings. They write a reflective essay to critically consider the affordances, challenges, and generative potential of large language models (LLMs).

Understanding Markov Chains

Students manually apply an algorithm to generate a Markov Chain from a given text extract, providing a concrete and interactive way to understand probabilistic language generation.

AI for Editing

Students use AI-based applications to assist in proofreading and improving their written work, fostering familiarity with modern technological aids in professional writing.

Professional Writing for Healthcare

Students select and read medical journal articles, draft summaries, and revise them, allowing for progressive skill development. The assignment incorporates the use of AI writing systems throughout the process.