Research Tools Outline

The assignment guides students in exploring a variety of AI research tools, allowing them to learn the different functionalities and applications of each tool in the research process.

Search Tool Comparison Activity

The assignment guides students to thoroughly evaluate different search tools, including Google Scholar, AI tools like ChatGPT and Elicit, and academic databases.

Think Outside the Box

Students compare and contrast information obtained from free generative AI tools and subscription databases, critically assessing the completeness and trustworthiness of the information provided by generative AI tools

Vetting ChatGPT sources

The assignment provides a detailed framework for evaluating the credibility and reliability of sources generated by ChatGPT, helping students develop critical thinking skills and discernment in using AI-generated content.

AI Literacy Workshop: AI and Copyright

The assignment provides an extensive overview of copyright laws relevant to AI-generated content, including discussion of Creative Commons licensing.

Study: Summarize Long Articles

Students use ChatGPT to distill complex readings into easily comprehensible language, allowing them to absorb and understand the material more fully. This critical evaluation process hones their analytical skills, ensuring they understand the material deeply and can assess the accuracy and relevance of summaries.

Generate: Role Play

Students create personas and engage in role-playing interviews with ChatGPT, simulating real-world scenarios and making the learning experience more interactive and engaging.

Writing: Further Develop the Thesis

Students practice refining their thesis statements by using ChatGPT as a sounding board, encouraging iterative improvements from initial ideas to more complex arguments.

Writing: Generate a Thesis

ChatGPT provides students with potential thesis ideas, helping them brainstorm and refine their own arguments while learning to avoid direct copy-pasting to maintain academic integrity.

Analyze: Critique and Interpret

The assignment helps students develop their interpretation skills by engaging with ChatGPT to analyze the structure, themes, and arguments of a text, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of various texts.

Analyze: Find the Needle in the Haystack

Students develop their ability to craft precise queries for AI tools, learning how to effectively ask for specific pieces of information and improve their research efficiency in handling extensive texts.

Evaluate: Write a Rebuttal

Students craft a detailed rebuttal to the AI-generated argument, focusing on different aspects such as the scope, conclusions, and missing evidence.

Evaluate: Hallucinated Sources

Students verify the existence of quoted sources provided by ChatGPT, using the institution’s library website. This activity ensures that students learn to critically assess AI-generated content and confirm its authenticity.