AI as Learner

Students engage with AI to learn new concepts tailored to their individual needs. They use the experience to receive and integrate feedback from the AI on their reflections and learning progress.

AI as Personal Tutor

The activity involves using AI as a personal tutor to enhance students’ learning experiences. It includes generating AI responses, evaluating their effectiveness, and reflecting on the learning process.

Sentence Doctor

Students diagnose and correct common sentence problems in their writing by identifying symptoms, understanding errors, proposing remedies, and reflecting on the learning process, with optional use of generative AI tools for assistance.

Date My Topic

Students conduct preliminary research to assess the interest, relevance, and manageability of a chosen topic before committing to a long-term project, by setting criteria, searching for mainstream and scholarly views, and reflecting on how to refine the topic.

Generative AI: The Voice of the Other

Students compare their own writing with AI-generated texts to understand their unique writing voice, identify differences in vocabulary, tone, and style, and apply this knowledge to enhance their writing authenticity.

Speaking and Thinking for Ourselves

Students reflect on ethical considerations in the context of communication and technology by comparing ideas in an Immanual Kant essay to current events related to artificial intelligence.

Writing Imagery: Multimodal AIs in History and Digital Art

Students engage in multimodal composition, blending written text with digital images, sounds, and other media forms to create a rich, layered project. Students also conduct in-depth historical research to inform their creative work

Narrative and Text Generation AI

Students engage in creative writing exercises where they collaborate with AI text generation tools to produce narratives. Students analyze the structure and coherence of AI-generated narratives, comparing them to human-written stories to identify strengths and weaknesses.

AI Literacy: Real-World Cautionary Tales

Students analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations of AI applications, enhancing their understanding of AI’s impact on society.

Writing: Generate a Thesis

ChatGPT provides students with potential thesis ideas, helping them brainstorm and refine their own arguments while learning to avoid direct copy-pasting to maintain academic integrity.

Revising LLM Text to (Re)Discover Rhetoric

This assignment encourages students to revise AI-generated text to make it more rhetorical, focusing on purpose, audience, and persuasion, thus enhancing their understanding and application of rhetorical principles.

Writing Against the Machine: Debating with ChatGPT

Students use ChatGPT to generate counterclaims or alternative arguments to their initial thesis. This process helps them refine, extend, and evolve their argumentative skills by considering multiple perspectives.


This assignment serves as a beginner-level programming exercise that introduces students to the concept of iteration using for loops. By writing code that repeats a word or phrase 50,000 times, students gain a fundamental understanding of how loops work in programming.

AI in First Year Writing Courses

The assignment introduces an “AI Standards of Conduct” framework that differentiates between AI-assisted and AI-generated writing. The assignment encourages students to reflect on the ethical implications of using AI in writing.